Saturday, June 03, 2006

Friday 2nd June

Today we did one of the best tours so far. We dressed up in miners gear, complete with helmets, lights and steel-capped gumboots, and went down into the mine for a couple of hours. Steve, our guide, had been mining for 34 years and was a wealth of knowledge. He showed us how to drill, set charges and drive the big boys toys!! A quick trip to "Best and Less" netted Cathy some flanelette PJs and bed socks so she was snug as a bug in a rug with a pest all night!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to read of your progress. We try to follow it on the map, but don't always find the National Parks and smaller places.
Perhaps you could put the map up again,David, so we can watch your progress each month.
Love, Mum xx

11:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic photos and news. Glad that you did not become another todd and brant while underground.
All well here.
Love Wendy

12:57 PM  

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