Friday, November 11, 2011

Wednesday 9th November

Fog - at River level we were below it.

But as we climbed to Hill End, we rose above it. We enjoyed or $2 shower at the Village Camp before heading to Kissing Point. David enjoyed a coffee whilst we watch the fog melt away in the morning sun.

We spent the rest of the day looking for another bush camp. Sunny Corner sounded like a perfect spot but, in NSW, "State Forest" = "Pine Plantation".

We continued onto Bathurst where David's plan to set a new lap record in the Troopy was cruelly dashed as the track was closed for a private event :(

There was no camping available at Chifley Dam, so we settled for the night at Maquarie Woods. The council were busy cutting the long grass which resulted in Cathy getting the worst case of hayfever. An ordinary day of travel was completed with the arrival of heavy rain.


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