Sunday, July 15, 2012

Move it for Monash Children's - Run Melbourne

Today Cathy joined a few thousand friends to Run Melbourne! Monash Children's had entrants in all the events today and I was in the 10km. Despite a cold start, the sun came out to shine so I was glad of my peak cap. We stood out in our neon T Shirts. Sabine Hennel, another paediatrician, ran with me the whole way and we picked up another team member near the end to urge her across the line. Apart from having fun, we raised lots of money for vital equipment. This year we were running to raise money for a retinal camera to help monitor the eye health of our young diabetic patients. I am running second in the overall fundraising, thanks to my very generous friends. I raised $2160 but I am only marginally ahead of my boss and we are a couple of thousand short of our target. If you want to donate, you can still do so for another week via this link:

Here are some pictures of the fun we had.



Sabine after a drink stop

Approaching the finish(Note that we started in waves so my actual time was about 55 minutes)...

Smiles at the end!!!


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