Thursday, November 08, 2012

Not working - spending!

A few days off work meant the chance to get out of town and support my husband in his quest to conquer mountains. Bright is one of our favorite towns to relax in and we were spoilt with gorgeous weather.

I was thinking ahead to Oaks Day so had to find somewhere for a manicure and pedicure - got the last appointment in Bright I think. $$ for the local economy.

As David set off on a epic Sunday morning ride, I headed in the opposite direction for the Myrtleford Fun Run. It was a beautiful 12.6km course described as having a few undulations. I was well ahead of target pace and made friends with another girl at the same pace. That lasted until 8km when the heat and a steep "undulation" had my heart racing and I had to back off the pace. I was still very happy with my time and made a whole heap of friends with the Wodonga Athletics club runners who Chris introduced me to. We headed off to Gapstead winery for coffee and a biscuit. It was their annual wine sale so I stocked up and "saved" more $$$ before eating lunch, in the sun, on the grass, with the live entertainment.

I raced back to Bright just in time to meet David and cool off his legs in the river.

Just in case you think, all I do is spend money, I did get on my bicycle to ride to Harrietville to meet David on his way back from Mount Hotham. I had to stop at the Bright market for an hour to spend $ and stock up on caramelised balsamic and other yummy goodies!

Tuesday was a quiet one in the hammock (between showers of rain) before driving in to Wangaratta to catch my train back to Melbourne. The train was cancelled - but a coach took us to Melbourne where mum and dad picked me up and got me safely home.


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