Monday, August 22, 2016

Sunday 21st August 2016 - Repeats

Exercise, Eat, Conference, Shop, Cycle, Shop, Eat, Pack for Cathy.
Sleep, Eat, Cycle, Coffee - repeat for David.
 Clouds came over for the first time this week and it was a little cooler but no rain on this side of the harbour so another dazzling day of activities to enjoy.
The Pinnacle Harbourfront has been a fantastic hotel to stay in. They've looked after us with food, drinks, free hire bike for Cathy and excellent service throughout. It is well located for all we've wanted to do and it will feel strange to leave our home away from home tomorrow.
However, the holiday part of our trip really begins once Cathy's conference ends tomorrow at midday. We can't wait to see Kel and Norma and explore parts of Canada we've never seen before.


Blogger David and Trina said...

Brings back memories of May which seems so long ago though. I'd recommend a ride through the middle of Stanley Park too if you have time.

7:09 AM  

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