Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Our Day in Mexico City

Most of us were up early to exercise. David knew there was shopping to be done....so rested up. We went window shopping through the historic shopping precinct and had our first tacos at Sanborns. Cathy keep everyone entertained with her attempts at Spanish. Her mistakes were very cute - she was "a man" rather than "hungry", and she called a "Princess kitchen" a "Dirty Princess". Whereas, David's vocabulary has doubled in a matter of days!!!

The streets are very busy. David and Cathy sat people watching whilst Phil and Sandy selected some shoes.

We toured the Palacio Nacional where we saw the history of Mexico in murals. They are currently being restored. We walked through the Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral which was huge with many interesting chapels. A two hour bus trip took us north to Queretaro just in time for sunset.


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