Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Foolin in Doolin

Up early to pack our bags and another Irish Fry-Up for breakfast. We said our goodbyes to Yvonne and Tony.

We caught the ferry from Doolin to Inis oirr (the small island). Unfortunately our small ferry was working it's way into and across a swell. Sarah and Serena didn't cope very well - so it's was straight to the pub for a double brandy!! Then off for a short walk through the numerous stone fences and small houses before returning to the pub for lunch. Fortunately the trip back was much improved - a bigger ferry running with the swell made things grand.

The ferry took us to the base of "Cliffs of Moher". These 200+ metre cliffs are heavily populated with birdlife. We also managed a walk along the top before heading home for Indian food.


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