Monday, December 27, 2010

The troopy gets a makeover for Christmas – early December

Since we attached the toy box (trailer) to the Troopy, it has desired a little more "Oompf". Avoiding the floods up the Newell, David headed off early to drive to Toowoomba, where he’d heard the best mechanics were located to entrust our Troopy to. Cathy helped in the drive from Newcastle to Brisbane to play with Charlotte and Holly. The plan was to fit a turbo. Cathy was surprised when David returned from his 4600km journey to show her the Troopy makeover.


Anonymous Mother Mary said...

It's a pity I don't scroll down far enough to see all the adventures and pictures !! Love the transformed Troopy - bit hard to sleep in ?
Keep up the nightly bedtime stories. MM

10:45 PM  

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