Sunday, December 02, 2012

2nd December 2012 - Exploring LHI

Mt Lidgbird (777M) and Mt Gower (875M) covered by cloud.

Bikes are complimentary - but we have to use our own legs!! Lord Howe Island has one main road that runs North and South - today we went North. We visited Old Settlement Road (with turtles), Ned's Beach (too windy), The Museum and the shops (David forgot his bathers!!). Later in the afternoon, David donned his new "Funky Trunks" and we snorkelled on Lover's Beach. This was followed by sunset drinks and another tasty meal.


Anonymous Mother Mary said...

Glad to see that you have gone north not south or west! Guess by now you have headed south. Would like a photo of the hunk in the funky trunks! Relax and enjoy. The limo wil be there next Saturday. All serene here - for the moment! Love you. M M

9:29 AM  

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