Saturday, June 08, 2013

Thursday 6th June 2013 - What a Grouse day!!

After a good night's rest and a delicious Canadian Breakfast(anything with Maple syrup is Canadian, isn't it?) we ventured out like true locals. We managed to catch a bus to the base of Grouse Mountain then headed up the "Grouse Grind" It was a steady uphill for 2.5 km with gradient average of 17 degrees and up to 30 degrees in places.

 We couldn't believe how many people were doing it - for the second and third time today!! The record is 15 times in a day! We thought once was plenty.
The view was magnificent - especially when we went up further to the viewing platform on a wind turbine called "Eye of the Wind". We could see all the way to Vancouver island, the Garibaldis and of course look down on Vancouver city.
Cathy almost got taken by a grizzly bear - but her cuddly bear saved her - thanks David!


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