Monday, July 26, 2010

Back to Broome

I arrived back in Broome yesterday and found my spunky husband still adores me and still fits into his Bushman's hat.

We watched the Cable Beach sunset through Kimberley glasses.

Some like star-gazing, others like naval gazing, but I played with my new toy and got to see my own ear drums. I'm hoping this new magnascopic otoscope helps me to teach a few more students and get some good pictures for talks.

When David was studying audiology, everyone would look into his ear and cry "Oh my goodness". Now he can see why!! This is what a life in the surf as a teenager can do to you.


Blogger Serena said...

haha! Lovin the ear drums guys! Glad ye both arrived safe and sound. looking forward to following your adventures! Big hugs, Serena xxx

4:15 AM  
Anonymous Mother Mary said...

Wow! This gives ears a new dimension (to the novice)
What a sunset. Happy days! Love MM

9:49 AM  

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