Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Tassie West Coast Bike Tour 2012

"The long and winding road , with a few hills is waiting....Let's Go."

Thanks to Dennis, I have just spent a magnificent week with the AllTrails crew travelling from Hobart to Devonport by bike. 741km pedalled and 8128m of climbing, *more* than a "few hills"!!

Saturday 24th March - To Hobart
After a wild Bass Strait crossing, I stopped for the most amazing waffles at the Raspberry Farm in Christmas Hills.

Unfortunately, they don't deliver.

Sunday 25th March - Mt Wellington
42km ridden, 1237m climbed
Climbed Mt Wellington to find snow and strong winds at the top - situation normal.

Monday 26th March - Hobart to Hamilton
74km, 740m - Tour Total 116km, 1977m
Cool and Sunny as we were escorted out of Hobart. A nice flat section to morning tea followed by some long climbs into Hamilton. Great food and accommodation. The cafe owner served more than 30 people single handed and all to his extremely high standards. We shared a lovely cottage with brothers Phil and Warwick.

Tuessday 27th March - Hamilton to Derwent Bridge
115km, 1761m - Tour Total 231km, 3738m
The first decent descent!! WoooHooo :)

Also took the optional ride into Lake St Clair. The dancing girls promised by Dennis must have had the day off. Rumor has it that some pretty mermaids were spotted swimming off the beach.

Awesome veggie lasagne for dinner (had seconds)

Wednesday 28th March - Derwent Bridge to Queenstown
101km, 1160m - Tour Total 432km, 3898m
Very chilly 1 degree and fog to start the day. It persisted for 50km. Rewarded with a special ride into Franklin River.

Lunch at Nelson River and a WWAL Waterfall.

The ride down into Queenstown was so good, I went back up to do it again (and make my 100k)

Thursday 29th March - Queenstown to Strahan
41km, 488m - Tour Total 473km, 4386m
A short mainly downhill day. Amazing afternoon off with magnificent weather, views, food and friends. Life is good :)

Friday 30th March - Strahan to Tullah
101km, 1404m - Tour Total 574km, 5790m
A flat ride alongside the Henty dunes eventually turned into a Luna Park rollercoaster ride into Roseberry. Rode Black Mountain twice (too enjoy another downhill and too make 100k)
Everybody is sure I'm crazy

Saturday 31st March - Tullah to Cradle Mountain
57km, 991m - Tour Total 631km, 6781m
A mild but wet start to the day. The accumulated tiredness hit home especially as it got colder and windier as we climbed higher. Morning Tea was like standing in a freezer with a 747 jet engine blasting over us. I had trouble getting instant coffee into my cup!!

Repeated warnings about the cattle grid at the bottom of the hill. I firmly intended to get off and walk over. Honest.

Ended up bunny hopping it at about 70km/h. Now, everybody knows I'm crazy.

Sunday 1st April - Cradle Mountain to Devonport
110km, 1347m - Tour Total 741km, 8128m
Early morning optional ride to Dove Lake.
World class scenery almost to myself :)

A 7km climb after morning tea, then basically a fast downhill to the finish.

A full list of videos available at YouTube

An awesome trip that I did not want to end. Thanks to AllTrails, Dennis and everyone who shared the road with me. Don't forget the East Coast in 2014!!


Blogger Mother Mary said...

Great blog, David. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Haven't done all the 'down-hill'rides with you - yet! Keep up the enjoyment of riding. Mother Mary

9:06 AM  

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