Wednesday, December 05, 2012

4th December 2012 - The Feeding of the Fishes

Porridge and waffles for breakfast - we needed all our energy for the big day ahead. With a strong north wind we headed off on our bikes to Ned's Beach. No swimming yet - we had walking to do!! Across town to Old Settlement Rd, then up the hill to Kim's Lookout.

From Kim's lookout it was a series of dips and peaks along the northern coast to Malabar Lookout. David was captivated by the young birds trying to land on the exposed peak. Another 1.2km of downhill took us back to Ned's beach. We decided against snorkelling and Cathy fed the fish instead.

The fish are obviously very well fed and quite large. We both enjoyed a coffee and cake at Anchorage Restaurant before cycling back with a strong tail wind (which doesn't help much when going uphill!!)


Anonymous Mother Mary said...

Hope that it has been a fantastic week, and restful, too. There certainly seems to be many 'ups' and 'downs'. I suppose the bike did not have a motor, Cathy! Guess David could have given you a tow ??
Been jam making tonight- strawberry, and apricot. See you in 3 sleeps.
love M M

11:15 PM  

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