Thursday, June 27, 2013

Monday 24th June - Kamloops to Vancouver

Liquid sunshine began as a drizzle then became a shower as we boarded our train for the last time.  The countryside we travelled through was constantly changing and very interesting even without the sunshine.  Being in the second sitting for meals, we ate twice as much – they bring extra rations before meals whilst the first sitting dine downstairs – no need for dinner tonight.

Cathy’s thought for the day “When you’re on a diet, all you can think of is yummy food.  When you are being fed delicious 3 course meals and drinks every day, all you can think of is going on a diet! (when you get home)

Vancouver has changed whilst we’ve been away – the sun has gone and the clouds have come in with cooler temperatures but we’re back at the Waterfront for our final days.  Our Rocky Mountaineer days have ended but the “train legs” continue.  We strolled up to Robson St for coffee and were surprised to find the shops open until 9pm on weeknights.  Cathy almost bought a new camera in preparation for our visit to the Butchart gardens but decided to borrow David’s or use the iPhone instead.  Her current one works, except for the viewing screen, so she takes photos by guesswork.


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