Sunday, June 23, 2013

Thursday 20th June - There and back again

The few spots of rain on Cathy's morning jog were supposed to clear, but the rain set in and tried to flatten the Rockies with mud slides and rock slides. By the end of the day Calgary was flooded with over 100,000 people evacuated.
We made it as far as the Columbia Icefields and got on the last trip onto the glacier before they closed down operations, closed the road to Lake Louise and sent us home like naughty school children! 
The Athabasca falls were churning with all the extra water and the glacier was magnificent when the cloud cleared to open up a view.  Kel and Norma will be surprised when we returned to have dinner with them, having said "See you in Banff" at breakfast. To celebrate Kel and Norma started dancing!!


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