Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sunday 16 June - College Fjord

Cathy started early making her second presentation of the conference.  After lunch David got involved as one of the five judges of the photo competition. Unfortunately, he was not allowed to accept bribes. Late afternoon we headed into College Fjord. The glaciers are named after US universities.

More incredible scenery. This is one of the few areas in the world where you can see up to eight tidewater glaciers at one time.

The Harvard Glacier is actually a formation of 3 glaciers. It is over 2km wide where it meets the water and begins to calve off. After presentations of prizes and gifts, we shared dinner with Nigel and Kate. Dinner finished before dessert so we could all support David Bannister in the Karoke final.

Voting was 1 vote per table, so we spread out. In a prime example of democracy at work, the result was assured before it started. However, David B was clearly the crowd favorite with his (slightly amended) rendition of Sinatra's "We did it our way". He was crowned Karaoke Champion of the cruise.  It was then a "Paediatric Dancefest".  Even though it went almost to midnight, it was still light outside.  Such is life in Alaska in the summertime.


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