Saturday, June 20, 2015

Miniature world after mini shopping spree - Friday June 19th, 2015

We've been eating so much, we decided to try out the gym this morning. Cathy tried to keep her cycling legs going on the exercise bike, whilst David settled for the recumbent. We were then greeted with smiles of recognition at Cafe Elbgold, where we get our morning coffee.

Alischa and Tom caught the bus over to meet us then we set out for Miniatureland. As it wasn't far from a one day factory sale, we stopped to allow them a shopping spree. We built up an appetite so headed to Cafe Johanna - where our cake arrived before our sandwiches and didn't last long!

Eventually we got to Miniature land to see two floors of model trains, planes and automobiles - all set in amazingly detailed landscapes.

I didnt think we were going to get David away from the airport where planes landed and took off - complete with emergency crews for potential crash landings, buses to collect passengers, refuelling trucks and more.

We've been hearing about the great Japanese Sushi restaurant for a couple of days now and finally found "4mosa restaurant". It lived up to it's reputation and we indulged in lots of yummy food.


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