Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ride to Lake Cancano - Tuesday 9th June, 2015

Yesterday, Dennis and Suzanne arrived so our Aussie contingency has expanded. Today's ride was shorter so there was no van support, but George stayed back wth Cathy as she chased the boys up 17 switchbacks to the top. It was exhilarating to achieve such a climb and everyone gave me a cheer when I made it to the coffee shop.

The loop was cut short by the rain closing in but we still had a fun descent back into Bormio. Having finished our ride by 12.30, we had time to wash the bikes, have a snooze then wander around town.


Blogger Serena said...

wow! fabulous roads - would love to bike it! (on a bike with an engine of course!!!)
Hope ye are having a fabulous time. Gorgeous photos! xx

7:22 PM  

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