Monday, June 08, 2015

Shopping in Milan - Friday June 5th 2015

After a good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast, it was time to hit the streets of Milan. David got himself set up with a sim card for his phone in case he got left behind in the shopping spree, whilst Cathy tried to work out how to get the train tickets printed for tomorrow. She worked out later in the day, it was just a matter of fluttering her eyelids at the old Italian man giving out numbers for the queue. He simply whisked her to the front of the queue to find someone who understood English. We had to leave before evil looks killed us.

We tried to fit in some sightseeing of Duomo, but morning tea and people watching at the Gucci cafe in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II won out. Even the policewomen wear stillettoes here!

Eventually, Cathy got into the swing of shopping and bought a leather jacket. We needed a rest before hitting the high end shops, so found a pizza cafe to refuel in. Yummy buffalo mozarella with tomatoes and basil.

David wandered down the street until Cathy summoned him back to the Chanel boutique to decide whether to buy the watch, the shoes or the earrings. The classic black shoes won out, but Valentina gave us a catalogue with the watch in and posed for a photo with us.

We went straight to the nearest gelati shop she had recommended and enjoyed the most delicious creamy gelati served in a chocolate coated brandysnap type basket. We'd better get to Bormio and cycle off some calories soon!


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