Friday, October 23, 2015

Thursday - Wedding Preparation

With great anticipation, Cathy and Serena dropped David off in the city as they went to pick up the wedding dress at the appointed time of 11am.  We were a few minutes early but were a little surprised that the bridalwear shop was closed.  Over the next 15-20 minutes we tried calling every phone number, facebook messaging, talking to the staff at shops next door, checking with the delivery man who came to drop off a parcel and walking around the back to ensure she hadn't tripped and fallen on the way to open up.  No signs of life so Serena began to ponder where one could get a wedding dress made in 2 days!  Much to our relief, a shop assistant on her day off arrived to save the day.  The gown still fitted and there was no need for any double brandies after all.

After a celebratory lunch at Cocos, we left David to snooze for the afternoon whilst the girls headed to Gortnagonella house to drop off the dress and see her parents and sister.  Another 50km then to Falls Hotel to drop off other wedding goodies before heading back to Galway.  Serena and Cathy enjoyed a long chat in the car before Cathy had to rest her eyes on the way home - the final effects of jet lag.


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