Sunday, November 08, 2015

Celebrating Cathy's birthday - Monday 19th October 2015

Woke up to a beautiful birthday card and kiss from my husband. He chooses such lovely greeting cards to mark our special days. Fergus and Serena gave us a special little teddy who we named "Clare".

The newlyweds were heading off for a honeymoon and graciously dropped us off at the Ashling Hotel on the way to the airport. Amazingly, we stopped at the Barack Obama Plaza in the middle of Ireland for lunch! Who would have thought he had connections here! Fergus dreads the security screening and Serena dreads the actual flying so we thought they were very brave to choose a honeymoon in Thailand. Talk about facing life's challenges together!

Dressed in her little black dress and Chanel shoes, Cathy felt fabulous heading out to a special birthday dinner at Pichet restaurant. Serena was spot-on sending us there, as the food was delicious and the service excellent. Great to celebrate the highs and lows of every year.


Blogger David said...

I think Cathy meant the "highs and loves" of every year!

3:50 PM  

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