Wednesday, May 08, 2019

To Broome - Day 4 - Marla to Alice Springs

Another cold night.  The blankets were just out of reach. I'll be organised by the time I get home.
The road looks the same, the scrub is similar BUT there's a LOT more flies.  Time for lunch inside.....
The perfect NT lunch if you skip the muffin and coffee.
I checked into my campsite. Fixed 2 flat tyres on the bikes - damn it.  The occy straps holding the tyres was rubbing against them, wore through and created a puncture.

You learn something everyday. 

Uncle Frank came and picked me up from the campground for coffee and biscuits.  It was also great to catch up with Linley and a grown up Josie.

Tomorrow, off into the "internet desert" - it'll be quiet for a couple of days


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