Tuesday, April 03, 2012

The AllTrails Crew

After 15 years of running bike tours, they really know how to do it. You will not find a better group to tour with - everything is geared to a safe, enjoyable and satisfying cycling experience.

"The Chief" - The leader in all meanings of the word. A distinctive voice that gets attention and the message through.

"Organiser par excellence" - everything (and I mean everything!!) is preplanned, prepared and perfectly executed.

Mechanic and Slow Driving expert. Forgotten more than I know about bikes. I was never forget passing him on the way into Queenstown - sorry :)

Weatherman, Photographer and understudy to "The Chief". Also useful as lightning rod.

Always happy to accept your money :) Someone has to stay at home and keep the office running.

I won't give away all their secrets, but here's what to expect:

  • Communication You get pages of documentation including maps, profiles, meeting points, WWALs and helpful tips.
  • Briefings It's talked about (for those who left their Day Sheets behind) including any topical items (eg Road Kill)
  • Food Susan organises the most extraordinary morning teas and lunches. Full of healthy variety and the essential staples (bananas, water and coffee). You can ride all day and still put on weight!!!
  • Safety With a lead vehicle, a sag wagon, regular regrouping and excellent communication, you can cycle safely despite travelling new territory.

Most of all, I was welcomed like a family member away on a Summer Holiday. Like many others on what was my first trip, I'll be back.

Thank you.


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