Sunday, July 21, 2013

Run Melbourne 2013 - Sunday 21st July

As the weather forecast predicted an overnight low of 3 degrees and possible hail for Sunday, I was having second thoughts about running. However, I was committed to completing the event that so many people have sponsored me in. The morning was cold, clear and windy so I was thankful that David was there to support me and hold my warm down jacket when I had to remove it. I ran in gloves for the first 3-4 km. The sun shone through and we had a great run. Our team raised almost $20000 for Monash Chidlren's. Thanks to all my sponsors, my total is sitting at $2030 tonight.

Sabine and I chatted throughout the race and were surprised when we found ourselves at the 9km mark - it had gone so quickly. We sped up for the final km and crossed the line in 57:54.


Anonymous Mother Mary said...

Great effort ! I knew that you wouldn't let the cold stop you running, and, of course, having your friendly assistant there to hold your jacket, was so necessary! His only comment was that you ran 58 mins - talked too much !!! Love, Mum

1:16 PM  

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