Sunday, November 08, 2015

Thursday 5th November - Oaks Day

Cathy poses with Kym Forrest and Leanne Thomson.

Monash Children's Hospital is incredibly grateful for the work of Jody from the Bellevue project, who runs an amazing fundraising event every year for us. It’s the ladies day to dress up, put on the fascinators and enjoy the excitement of the silent and live auctions, table sweeps and goody bags provided. The stormy weather returned, with a tornado heading for Melbourne at one stage. By the end of the day, the sun was shining through as if nothing had happened. Got to love Melbourne weather - looking after my garden by watering in the new plants!

Cathy poses with Veronique who is planning our next big fundraiser - the Dandelion Ball. Can you believe she has 5 children?

Tom had arrived home from Germany just after we got back from Ireland. He came over to find his car, clothes, computer so we enjoyed the night with him.


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