Sunday, November 08, 2015

Thursday to Saturday 22-24 October

Rather than the warm Spring weather we'd been expecting, Sydney decided to be cool and stormy. Cathy still managed to get out for a run along the clifftops each morning. Cathy was straight back into work mode at the PAC conference. Whilst there were many friendly faces, her fellow troublemakers were not there so there was not much partying. Jet lag enforced some early nights too. Cathy contributed to a session on the indigenous child in the ED with some of her experience working in the Kimberley.

A highlight on Saturday was to catch up with Tim and Jackie for lunch. Tim was recovering after having his appendix removed the week prior, so he hadn't managed to play in the Salut concert after all. We have the dates for 2016 to ensure we get to Canberra for part of next year's series.

On Saturday night we finally completed the journey to home with Mother Mary and Mexican brother Phil at the airport to meet us. Phil had arrived whilst we were away. First time we've seen in him over 18 months so it was good to catch up.


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