Saturday, April 13, 2019

Thursday 11th April- Quality Improvement Diploma in Dublin

I spent the afternoon at the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland where a group of about 30 healthcare workers from across Ireland were meeting as part of their Diploma in Quality Improvement in Health. They are all working in small groups on a QI project so I was able to listen to their updates and contribute feedback.

After this Serena and I went back down memory lane to share a meal at Pichet, a restaurant where David and I celebrated my birthday a few years ago after Serena and Fergus departed on their honeymoon.


Blogger Mother Mary said...

Glad you have met with Serena. She looks so well! Always great to read your progress and interesting observations. I wrote a comment and lost it so this is less words!! Guess you are in Belgium now with your husband's. Trust the cycling is going well between coffee and beer! Dad & I are more rested after being away for 10 days.Enjoying Canberra - had lunch at Breizh Cafe after church. Lovely meal & good to see Bruno and Bron again. We leave for Sydney on Tuesday for a week before heading home. May call by Bright, but once I head south, I think I will want to keep going!

4:42 PM  

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