Friday, April 19, 2019

Wednesday 17th April – Dublin to Bruges- just like another honeymoon!

It was an early start, just like a wedding day; though perhaps a bit earlier at 3.30am! Amazingly, we got through security, went to sit down for coffee and bumped into Father Rob, the priest who married Serena and Fergus. The time went quickly as we compared Easter holiday plans and it didn’t seem long before we were on the bus to the south terminal to board our flight. Smooth flying helped Serena manage her flight nerves(or was it the diazepam and wine??) We navigated the way to Bruges on the train and finally met David at the station where he was waiting with his bike and bike bag to meet us.

It felt great to have the fabulous 4 back together again. It’s such a beautiful town here in Bruges. Bicycles have right of way over cars, pedestrians and probably even the horse drawn carts ferrying tourists around the cobble-stone streets. No tooting of horns – just the clip-clop of horseshoes and commentary of tours-guides holding up umbrellas fill the streets.

We found a supermarket to buy some soup and bread for dinner and used google translate to see what the packaging says. We were intrigued to get home and try it!

We also found a shop named after Serena that sold tapestry and lace.

We didn't go in to see whether Mary was giving out bruises or chocolates!!


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