Saturday, October 05, 2013

Tulips are from Turkey!! Saturday 5th October

Cathy and Louise were looking forward to a sunny Saturday at Tesselars Tulip Farm. A few showers tried to dampen the outing but nothing Lou's trusty umbrella couldn't fend off.

Cathy had been given free tickets by the lady at Dandenong market who sells fresh flowers to her each week. She exclaimed "Tulips are from my country - you understand - tulips my country's flower - you understand?!" Like a doubting Thomas, Cathy just thought she had got muddled up as we all know tulips are from Holland, don't we? Well, I was put in my place when I read the sign about tulips originally being cultivated in Turkey.

We posed with all the throngs of camera happy families.

We chose our favorite ones - pretty pinks for Lou and festive yellow and red ones for Cathy.

Being Irish weekend at the festival, we had to snap a leprechaun playing in the garden too- just so that Serena knew I was thinking of her.

Here are a few more favorites to enjoy. We're off for coffee and lunch with David at the Deli Platter! He's been cycling around the hills waiting for us.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Happy Hawk Saturday 28th September

Cathy was smiling, singing and celebrating the night away after her mighty Hawks won the AFL Grand Final. She swapped her footy jumper with Buddy's number 23 on the back for a winner's T Shirt and her thermos of coffee for a glass of Chandon. Only 160 days until next year's season begins!!