Saturday, September 17, 2016

Wednesday 13th September 2016 - One Way Ticket

We had dinner Tuesday night with Graeme and Mary before they headed off to Tasmania on a One Way Ticket.  Mary is attending the Centenary Anniversary of Burnie High School.  We are pretty sure she was an original student (and very well preserved).  They had to rush home to pack their *school* bags.
Just like true adventurers the took advantage of all forms of travel - a train to Southern Cross, Skybus to the Airport, Shanks Pony to the Terminal and Jetstar to Tasmania.
This is Graeme wishing the door opened to a Teleporter.

Sunday 11th September 2016 - Amy Gillett Gran Fondo

It was a long week with both Cathy and David suffering from the dreaded cold.  We decided to skip the football (the best team won....) and head for Lorne.  A small warm up ride on Saturday prepared us for the big ride Sunday.
Cathy caught the bus to Apollo Bay.  There was quite a long wait before the start but that allowed time for cruising the streets and a coffee.
David left Lorne at 8:40am and had to ride the long way around - 120km.  Somewhere along the way he passed Cathy.  She was probably in the pub.